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Author Interview with Bria Lexor

Vampire Candidate by Bria Lexor

Today’s interview is with Bria Lexor.

LQ: Tell me a little bit about yourself. 

BL: I am a YA author of Urban Fantasy and Fantasy Series.

LQ: What does your writing process look like?

BL: I start writing a book and I jump around from book to book until I have completed many books.

LQ: What was your favorite book to write so far?

BL: So far my favorite book to write has been Vampire Candidate, Book 4 in Vampiracy: Hell’s Guardian Chronicles.

LQ: Who is your favorite character to write about? 

BL: Zyra Falls.

LQ: Who are your favorite authors? Have any of them influenced your work?

BL: Holly Black, Richelle Mead, and S.D. Perry. Yes. Richelle, Vampiracy: Hell’s Guardian Chronicles. And S.D. Perry, also VHGC Series.

LQ: How are you doing during the current pandemic? 

BL: It’s tougher to get through the day. I’m managing.

LQ: What are you currently working on?

BL: Many books at a time.

LQ: Anything else you would like to share? 

BL: Keep an eye out for future books from me!

Source: http://loversquarrelreviews.com/2020/04/30/indieapril-interview-with-bria-lexor